Using Hex Color Strings in Flutter

Last reviewed in February 2020 by Frank Treacy

Unfortunately, the Color class constructor in Flutter does not accept a simple hexadecimal string (like #bfeb91 in CSS).

Instead it requires an integer like 0xFFBFEB91.

So how do we convert an hex string to an integer?

A simple function

Give this function a hex string and it will return you a Color!

Color _getColorFromHex(String hexColor) {
  hexColor = hexColor.replaceAll("#", "");
  if (hexColor.length == 6) {
    hexColor = "FF" + hexColor;
  if (hexColor.length == 8) {
    return Color(int.parse("0x$hexColor"));

It takes a 6 (no alpha channel) or 8 (with alpha channel) character string, with or without the # prefix.

So what is this FF business all about?

0xFF is the hexadecimal notation of the integer 255, which corresponds to 100% opacity in the alpha channel!

By default, Dart creates colors with 0% opacity (i.e. transparent) which is the exact opposite of CSS (and very strange!)

For example, Color(0xBFEB91) will yield an invisible color as it’s not prefixed with FF.

As a String extension

Leveraging the power of Dart extensions we can augment String with a function that returns a Color:

extension ColorExtension on String {
  toColor() {
    var hexColor = this.replaceAll("#", "");
    if (hexColor.length == 6) {
      hexColor = "FF" + hexColor;
    if (hexColor.length == 8) {
      return Color(int.parse("0x$hexColor"));

(or make it a separate utility class!)

Click “Run” and see it in action:

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